Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Living in Australia

Living in Australia has been good so far :) Paul and I have just been trying to get settled in. We have spent some time making our house a home. We have a cute little 2 bedroom flat with a view of the beach. It has all wood floors and a little half kitchen. We just got a coach that turns into a bed so we now we just need some visitors :) We are getting ready to hold our first church service on April 10th. We rented a scout hall in the heart of terrigal so we are very excited. Bryan has been praying about what book of the bible to start teaching so we are with him in those prayers. I am in the process of writing some children's curriculum. I am also working on brushing up on my children's worship music. Paul and I have both been working on the brochures, business cards, and some flyers to pass out. In addition to sunday service we will also be having a cookout in terrigal outside the church every saturday night. So we are getting excited about meeting new people and starting this church. Paul is also getting ready to start some bible college classes to get a head start before the students come. Bryan and Tara have accepted 6 bible college students so we are just praying that the Lord will guide those students and provide for them. The baby is doing good in my belly :) We went for a swim in the ocean today so that was nice. Paul and I are trying to get used to the food and finding things to cook with my special diet. I have to be very careful about reading ingredients here because food is different as i have learned :) I bought some big bags of peanut m&m's because i can usually eat them in the states, but the m&m's here clearly say made with wheat which i didnt notice until i had eaten almost all of them. I was alittle sick today but I am feeling better now. Its just getting used to the difference. Paul made a REALLY good dinner tonight of gluten free chicken parmesan. Anyway all else is well and I will try and write as often as I can to keep everyone updated. Thanks for all your prayers.


  1. Keeping you all in our prayers, not just for the wonderful sounding church and college, but for your health and that of both Paul and of course John John! It sounds lovely and I am sure everyone loves you all there--they are so lucky to have you!!
    xo Mandy

  2. oh man u poor thing sis. I cant imagine that pain. i am sorry. i love u and miss u <3

  3. so i found out you all have a blog - duh! gril why didnt you tell me that. Anyway gonna catch up on the reading of all of this. Keep posting and much love and higs to you both.
