Monday, May 3, 2010


This month has been a series of hope changing events that seemed to surprise Denielle and I. For me, I felt like I had to question this hope. Because I think we all have moments in our lives where we feel hopeless or lost. What’s more is that we are here in another country almost a full days apart from family. I should probably define this hope for you, because it’s not the kind of hope I think we all have come to expect. I know when I usually think of hope, I think of all the gifts and blessings I want or even perhaps need in my life. I hope that I find a sponsor to hire me here in Australia. I hope that I get this visa and am able to work, continue my schooling, progress as a tattoo artist. I hope that we are able to stay here in Australia. This kind of hope is one I find myself thinking about. Yet, it is not this kind of hope I want to define. It is a not a granted wish kind of hope.

So what kind of hope is it? It is hard to define but through my stay here I came to some realization. That my hope now is far greater than what we could ever want or wish for. Because hope is never really predictable. It is more like a free-spirited dependence on a God that loves to fill our lives with unpredictable events. I know, I know - How can you be free-spirited in a sense and then have a dependence on something. Especially if that something is as immaterial as God! To be a free-spirit you must not have any attachments or dependence. You wander the world with no plans or ambitions. It reminds me of a French expression that proclaims “to wander aimlessly without a plan”. Isn’t this the epitome of a free-spirit? I think so. And there must be a good reason that the French hold this belief in such high esteem. I mean, doesn’t wandering aimlessly about the world without any plan sound remarkable? It does have a certain free-spirited ring to it.

While some people would embrace this freedom with joy, there are many others out there that will laugh at this idea. To some this is no more than a fool’s dream. It includes no ambition, no goals, and ultimately holds no purpose. I disagree. The fact is, to “wander aimlessly without a plan” is in and of itself a plan! Not just any plan, it is a masterful one that includes a great purpose. Doesn’t getting rid of your ambition warrant some kind of ambition or initiative? It’s sort of like putting all your ambitions, all of you wants, all of your dreams in a container and handing over that container to another. That is true freedom! Don’t think that money will provide freedom. Don’t think your career will provide freedom. Don’t think your dreams will provide freedom. “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free” (J.W. Goethe).

That is the purpose of the bible. To proclaim God’s plan, as unpredictable and aimless as it may seem. Understanding this purpose is like setting your compass in the right direction. Yes it may be wandering without a plan, but a least it’s in the right direction. It’s a plan in a sense that includes complete freedom. I think it sums up the amazing hope Denielle and I have. It’s not a whatever happens-happens kind of plan, but a joyous free-spirited kind of plan. It seeks out that which merits the love and unpredictable qualities of life and God. Some might say it’s a calling.

This trip to Australia was so much more than we could have dreamed. We are having an incredible time swimming in the ocean and traveling the Central Coast. We are enjoying every moment and spending our time soaking in the culture and the sun. Who wouldn’t want to stay in this wonderful country? Lord knows I would like to bury my toes in the sand and never leave these beaches. However this is what I assuredly want, and what I assuredly hope for is far greater and more importantly unpredictable than this. Who knows what may lie around the corner, it may just surprise me.

This month I will be searching for a sponsor. After a month of reading immigration and migration web-sites I came to a conclusion. I need to find a “sponsor” to stay in Australia. The chances are slim, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a chance. Although I have a tattoo shop willing to hire me, the sponsor needs to be on the approved “acceptable migrations employer” list in order for us to work and live in Australia. Basically, the job must relate to a specific profession. In this case, I will look for work as a motorcycle mechanic. This week I will visit a few motorcycle dealerships and ask for a sponsorship.

There is another option that may work, but requires a lot of financial support. This would include returning to school under the pre-tense of mechanical engineering. This would allow us to live and work here under temporary student status. However, this requires raising about six thousand dollars and would last us until February. And in our case, we are very financially ...there is really no other way to put it... broke.

We are calculating a budget that will carry us through till June. However, if we don’t find employment by then we have set our compass on heading back to Virginia. We are excited by whatever may come about of this stay here and are enjoying every moment we can together while we are here.

Denielle has another doctor’s appointment on Friday and we are anxiously awaiting the birth of our beautiful little baby. He is due in 26 days but she is hoping for an early birth. Please keep us in your prayers as we prepare and she gives birth. We will continue to keep everyone updated and will post pictures of Giovanni as soon as he arrives.